Monday 4/27 Assignment 11

How to Create a Card Suits Pattern in Adobe Illustrator


In the following steps you will learn how to create, save and use a card suits pattern in Adobe Illustrator. 

For starters, you will learn how to set up a simple grid and how to create the four card suit symbols using basic vector shape building techniques. Moving on, you will learn how to create and save a simple pattern. Finally, you will learn how to apply your pattern and how to adjust it using the Transform effect.


Craft Shortcut Tips:


Remember, holding the Shift key during and opertation is a constrain tool for aligning, moving, rotating, duplicating.

Ctrl + D, Transform again, repeats the transformation you just completed.


Make sure you save this as: Last Name, First initial, 11, and upload it to the Synergy drop box.


Email me with questions, problems, or just to say hello!